DIY Plumbing Versus Professional Plumbers, Part 3

In our on-going blog series, we’ve been discussing plumbing problems that you may be able to DIY and plumbing problems that require a bit more expertise that you may or may not be able to handle on your own. In this concluding blog post, we’ll discuss those plumbing jobs that are definitely not recommended for DIY and require the expertise and experience of a licensed plumber in Lexington.

Plumbing Solutions in Lexington offers the best plumbing for new construction residential jobs. We offer a wide variety of plumbing services, including slab under plumbing, rough-in plumbing, sewer and water installation, and trim-out plumbing. Below are the plumbing problems you need to call us for right away. Call today to begin!


Frozen Pipes

Frozen pipes are definitely a job for a professional plumber. Depending on the type of piping and the extent of the frozen water, your pipes are at risk for breaking if not dethawed properly. We’ve had many homeowners and business owners call us when they tried to DIY frozen pipes and ended up with water everywhere.

Broken Pipes

If water is flooding your basement, you’ll want to shut off the main water line switch. Once you’ve stopped the flooding, you most definitely need to call a professional plumber. Odds are, a patchwork job will not help you in this situation, nor will it prevent any future breakages. When you partner with a professional plumber for your broken pipes, they can come out and assess the entire situation, diagnose what caused the leak and/or broken pipe, and then offer a permanent solution so it doesn’t happen again.

Remodeling Needs

If you are adding on another bedroom and a bathroom, you will need the expertise of a professional plumber in Lexington. In addition to the job being a huge undertaking in terms of scope, you’ll have to have a working knowledge of the pipes below your home and within your home, which requires professional training. Plus, you’ll need a plumbing permit as well. This extends to if you are moving pipes around your home, such as when you are remodeling an interior room.

Install a Water Heater

Water heaters should always be professionally installed. One, if you DIY your water heater installation, odds are, you will void the warranty, which is not a good thing (and can be an expensive decision) if your water heater decides to not work. Two, for safety reasons, especially if gas is the source of energy that will be used to heat your water, you need a professional.


Plumbing Solutions in Lexington has years of experience in helping both homeowners and businesses solve their plumbing problems. While we specialize in installing the plumbing and water for new construction residential homes, we also offer emergency 24-hour plumbing services, which is where we see a lot of DIY jobs go awry. If you are ever in doubt as to your capability to handle a plumbing job, give us a call. Odds are, you’ll save money and definitely time when a professional, certified plumber handles your plumbing problem. Plus, you’ll save all of the headaches of performing the plumbing job yourself and of having to find/buy the tools to do the job.


In addition to our fanatical customer service, we offer written estimates and service agreements so you’ll know exactly how much you will be charged and what our plumbing services entail. No matter where you are located within our service area (North Carolina, South Carolina, or Georgia), we offer slab under plumbing, rough-in plumbing, sewer and water installation, and trim-out plumbing for new construction homes. We offer a one-year warranty on all of our workmanship, which is different than your manufacturer’s warranty. For new construction residential homes, our warranty does not begin until the plumbing job is complete and tested by our quality inspection team.


Our licensed master plumber is efficient and innovative, keeping up with the latest in plumbing trends and technology. Furthermore, we have an internal quality construction team that ensures all of our plumbing work is up to code and standards. Our mission is to provide you with the highest-quality plumbing solutions in the most professional manner. Call us today to get started!